26 stories
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Ramadan survival guide for international students
23 Mar 2023 - 5 min readTips on how to survive Ramadan for international students!

Racial equality
4 important inventors in US Black history
21 Feb 2023 - 4 min readLearn about some inspiring people from US Black history.

Access to education
How is Kaplan making its curriculum more inclusive?
18 Nov 2022 - 6 min readLearn how we are representing our students' voices in our UK curriculum.

6 ASU degrees that can help you impact the world
10 May 2022 - 7 min readLearn about some of the many future-focused degrees offered at ASU.

Racial equality
What is Eid al-Fitr and how is it celebrated?
03 May 2022 - 3 min readShahed from Egypt shares how Eid al-Fitr is celebrated and why it's important.

Racial equality
How students impacted the US Civil Rights Movement
14 Feb 2022 - 8 min readLearn about how students impacted the US Civil Rights Movement

What is Hanukkah and how is it celebrated?
01 Dec 2021 - 3 min readLearn about Hanukkah and how it is celebrated.

Racial equality
How our US partners support Native American students
18 Nov 2021 - 8 min readExplore how our US partner universities engage with Native American communities.

Racial equality
What is Windrush?
01 Nov 2021 - 5 min readLearn about the Windrush generation and their contributions to society.
You've viewed 9 of 26 stories