7 stories
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How universities are fighting the coronavirus: part I
01 Nov 2021 - 7 min readSee how our partner universities are helping the global coronavirus response.

How universities are fighting the coronavirus: part IV
17 Aug 2021 - 6 min readSee how some of our partner universities are helping the fight against COVID-19.

What I learnt from being an international student in 2020
08 Jan 2021 - 3 min readStudent Content Creator Munashe shares what she learnt from studying abroad in 2020.

6 things to do with your friends (even if you can't be there in person)
05 Jan 2021 - 5 min readHere are some things to do with friends when you can't see them in person.

How universities are fighting the coronavirus: part III
12 Nov 2020 - 12 min readPart III in our series on universities' COVID-19 response.

How universities are fighting the coronavirus: part II
09 Jun 2020 - 10 min readSee how our university partners are contributing to the coronavirus response.

Mental health awareness
Mental wellness guide: how to cope with social distancing
01 Apr 2020 - 8 min readSocial distancing can affect your mental health. Read our guide on how to cope.
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