6 stories
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My experience studying Architecture in Brighton
17 Aug 2023 - 4 min readYadeth from Cambodia shares her experience of studying an IYO in Architecture at the University of Brighton International College!

Why study an Architecture and Building degree?
24 Feb 2023 - 7 min readFind out the benefits of studying a degree in Architecture and Building.

Should I choose an MGM or MBA degree at ASU?
01 Jun 2022 - 9 min readSee the differences between a master in global management and master in business administration.
"I felt like I had landed in the right place to start my architecture career"

What are the best universities for Architecture and Building?
24 Sep 2020 - 8 min readFind out which universities are best for Architecture and Building.

Study an International Year One in Architecture in Brighton
10 Sep 2020 - 4 min readFast-track to a degree in Architecture in Brighton.
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