You’ve probably been spending a lot more time in front of screens recently. Whether that’s because you’re now taking classes online, or because you’re scrolling through social media since you have more free time these days, there’s one thing that’s certain: we could all benefit from reducing our screen time.

Here are our top 5 tips for how to digital detox!

1. Set a timer on your phone

If you find yourself scrolling through social media posts only to look up and see that you’ve been staring at your phone for 45 minutes, you’re not alone. It’s easy to look at Instagram for too long, get caught up in TikTok videos, or even read too many news articles.

That’s why it’s a good idea to set a 10-minute timer on your phone when you pick it up — it will save you from scrolling for too long!

You can even do some environmental good by leaving your phone alone: Forest is an app that lets you grow trees by not touching your phone for a set amount of time. You can even use the virtual coins you gain in the app to plant a tree in the real world!

2. Don’t overdo your online social life

You’ve probably had lots of invitations to Zoom parties or virtual catch-ups with friends, and while it’s very important to stay connected during this time, it can become too much.

Just like in life before lockdown, you shouldn’t feel pressured into accepting every social invitation you receive. If you need an evening to yourself, that’s ok — your friends will understand.

3. Find a hobby that doesn’t involve screens

A good tip for how to digital detox is to take up a new past-time. There are plenty of hobbies that don’t involve looking at a screen: maybe you’ve always wanted to learn how to knit, or perhaps you would love to improve your art skills, take up yoga, or you like to sing. Reading books is also a great way to escape your phone and immerse yourself in a different world for a while.

4. Do those chores you’ve been putting off

Just because you’re spending more time at home doesn’t necessarily mean that you’ve been keeping on top of your chores.

You might have a pile of laundry that still needs to be put away, or maybe your drawers could benefit from some organising — instead of picking up your phone during your study breaks, how about taking 5 minutes to do some tidying? You’ll probably feel much better once you’ve done it, and it will be one thing checked off your to-do list.

5. Take a nap (and turn your phone off while you do!)

It’s important to get enough sleep so that you can study and function properly. Now that you’re at home more, why not make the most of that extra time and squeeze in a nap?

This will be especially useful if you’re taking part in digital learning, since your schedule might be a bit different depending on where you are in the world. You might need to stay up later for a live class that’s taking place in the USA or UK, so a power nap could help!

We hope these tips for how to digital detox help you, so that you can get the most out of your day, and reduce your screen-time.